Create a potion that reveals a magical Pixling!

Mix the magic ingredients in the bottle, say the magic words and reveal a beautiful Pixling doll! ​

Who will your kid magically create?



Magic Mixies Pixlings

Magic Mixies Pixlings - Faye The Fairy Pixling

Magic Mixies Pixlings

Magic Mixies Pixlings - Amber The Dragon Pixling

Magic Mixies Pixlings

Magic Mixies Pixlings - Unia The Unicorn Pixling

Magic Mixies Pixlings

Magic Mixies Pixlings - Deerlee The Deer Pixling

Magic Mixies Pixlings

Magic Mixies Pixlings - Marena The Mermaid Pixling




Pixlings S1 Collector's Guide

Pixlings Unicorn Spell Book

Pixlings Deer Spell Book

Pixlings Mermaid Spell Book


How does the reveal process work?

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After unpacking all contents:
1. Remove acetate tab and place on a plate
2. Add Pixling Power Elixir #2
3. Add water up to the fill line
4. Add ingredient #4
5. Add Pixling Magic Elixir #5
6. Add ingredient #6
7. Remove Golden Ring
8. Twist Gem 180 degrees
9. Push down hard on the gem twice

I can't open up my potion bottle and remove the doll

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1. Unscrew counter clockwise, you will hear a click and will easily unscrew
2. Unscrew the top gem mechanism from the inner bottle
3. Take out doll

Pixling Elixir and water are separating in the bottle

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1. Ensure both bags of dye have been used
2. If dye is sitting on top of the water, gently rotate or twist the bottle back and forth on a flat surface.
3. Stop twisting once mixed and dark blue

Do NOT pick the bottle up and shake as liquid will spill

The potion is still blue, nothing is happening?I've added in all the contents, but the doll isn't appearing.

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1. Push down hard on the gem several times
2. Gently twist the bottle back and forth on a flat surface to speed up the reveal

Do NOT pick the bottle up and shake as liquid will spill

I have spilled blue liquid all over my kitchen bench / table / floor / etc.

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Wipe any spilled Pixling Elixir using a damp cloth. Pixling Elixir dries clear and should not stain most surfaces.